Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between a midwife and an OB?

Both midwives and OB-GYNs provide comprehensive maternity care to women throughout the childbearing year. OB-GYNs work in hospitals while midwives work primarily in out of hospital settings. OBs are surgeons who are best fit to care for high risk women. OB-GYNs typically follow the medical model of care, while licensed midwives practice the midwifery model of care. The midwifery model of care is more holistic in that your provider looks at your physical, psychologic and social health; seeing the pregnant person as a whole being along with their family. Midwives take into account every aspect of your life, health, mind, and body. This means that your midwife practices the art of preventive care rather than reactive care, focuses on full-body wellness, and expertly blends extensive knowledge in natural treatment and prevention adapted from ancient practices with modern medicine, techniques, and equipment. The midwifery model of care has been proven as the safest and most effective model for low risk and healthy pregnancies.

Can I switch to a midwife for a home birth if I already have established care with an OB?

You can switch over to midwifery care no matter how far along you are. It is the patients responsibility to provide the midwife with your records at your initial visit or have them faxed over. 

Am I a good candidate for home birth?

Licensed midwives can take care of low risk women in the pregnancy, birthing, and postpartum period. A large majority of women are considered low risk and good candidates for home birth. Factors that may risk you out of care with a midwife include certain chronic illnesses and their medications, hypertension, diabetes, serious unresolved heart conditions/defects, certain types of prior cesareans, blood clotting disorders, and serious abnormalities in the fetus detected by ultrasound or genetic testing.

What would risk me out of midwifery care?

A variety of factors may risk you out of midwifery care. Factors such as twin pregnancy, high blood pressure, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, etc. are all reasons to see an OB for higher level care. We will assess risk during a phone consult.

What if there is an emergency?

Licensed midwives in the state of Florida are extensively trained and educated for every possible emergency. Licensed midwives have a protocol for all obstetrical emergencies and are prepared to act upon them. The many medications, supplies, equipment, skills and knowledge that are brought to each birth allow midwives to handle many emergencies smoothly at home, and know when to transport to the closest hospital. Emergency hospital transfers are typically facilitated via EMS

Does the midwife transfer with me to the hospital in labor?

If the midwife at any time feels that you or your baby would be safer delivering in the hospital, we will facilitate the transfer to the hospital in the most efficient way possible. We will always call the hospital and notify them of the transfer & fax your records accordingly. If the reason for transfer is non-emergent, we may be able to drive to the hospital in your private vehicle. If the reason for transfer is emergent, we will transfer to the hospital via EMS. We will go to the hospital with you, and if possible, stay with you once you are admitted to labor & delivery.