Midwifery Services

Complete Prenatal Care

Prenatal care is conducted in your home, typically starting at around 8-12 weeks of pregnancy. I see patients monthly until 32 weeks of pregnancy, biweekly until 36 weeks, then weekly until delivery.

labs are drawn in the comfort of your home, including an initial prenatal profile, optional genetic testing, glucose testing, and GBS testing.

Prenatal visits typically last an hour. At every prenatal visit, we will assess blood pressure, listen to baby's heart beat, measure your uterus, and collect a urinalysis & other labs if indicated. Our goal prenatally is to achieve an optimal state of health for both mother and baby. We will discuss nutrition, stress management, exercise, use of herbs and prescription medications in pregnancy, and holistic remedies to common pregnancy discomforts. 

Home Bearth

Starting at 37 weeks of pregnancy, your midwives will be on call for you 24/7 in the event of labor, and always available via phone call or text.

Once early labor begins, we are in direct contact with you, offering counsel and advice. Once active labor begins, we will arrive to your home and prepare the space for birth. We set up all necessary medications and supplies.

We continuously monitor mother and baby during labor, and immediately postpartum. The midwife and a trained birth assistant will attend your birth.

During labor your midwife and birth team will offer guidance on different positions, providing hands on or hands off support, and catering to your specific needs. 

​After delivery we honor the golden hour by facilitating skin to skin, delayed cord clamping, and initiating breast feeding. The midwife will be close by listening to your baby and assessing maternal vital signs as well as bleeding. We also assess and repair the perineum at this time. Midwives repair first and second degree lacerations and lidocaine is administered before repair is initiated.

We provide a comprehensive newborn exam - we weigh and measure baby, test reflexes, offer newborn medications, and test baby's oxygen saturation, all at the foot of the bed. We will file the birth certificate and register baby with Social Security. 

Postpartum & Newborn Care

At 24 hours postpartum, we will check in to make sure mother & baby are thriving.

Routine postpartum visits are provided and includes 3 or more visits as needed - in home at 24-48 hours after the birth of your baby, day 3, 1 week, 2 weeks and 6-8 weeks postpartum.

Routine newborn test and screenings are performed, such as CCHD (critical congenital heart defect) and IMS (infant metabolic screening) at 24-48 hours. The midwife also assesses the baby's weight, and continues to offer breastfeeding support.

The 24-48 hour visit also focuses on the mothers physical and emotional wellbeing during this time of postpartum recovery.

Placenta Encapsulation

It is believed that consuming your placenta in the postpartum period increases your iron stores, aids in hormonal balance, quicker uterine involution, and hastens healing time.

Placenta encapsulation is a separate service and cost of encapsulation is $300.